Speech Therapy
Imagine if you couldn't articulate why you were upset or what you wanted for dinner. Now imagine trying to talk to people who make fun of you for having a lisp or slurring your words. For children, these issues can have a profound affect on not only their social, but their mental development. World of Words Speech & Feeding Services focuses on helping children and young adults overcome these challenges and communicate with confidence.
Our therapists will work with your child to develop a unique treatment plan with specific goals including:
- Articulate vowels and consonants
- Pronounce words and phrases
- Speak clearly in their own words

We provide one-on-one structured therapy sessions for all children and young adults from birth through age 20. Our trained and professional therapists have decades of experience helping patients overcome a variety of medical and physical issues and learn to communicate better. Our treatment areas include:
- Articulation disorders
- Fluency disorders
- Resonance disorders
- Receptive disorders
- Expressive disorders
- Receptive language
- Expressive language
- Cognitive-communication disorders
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Fluency
- Apraxia
- Lisping
- Speech Delay
- Traumatic brain injuries